I18n - status, plans, jobs?

Yann Dirson ydirson@a2points.com
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 00:06:08 +0100

Milan Zamazal writes:
 > we have formed a group of people in Czech Republic and Slovakia
 > interested in Debian internationalization 

 > AFAIK, there is a support
 > mostly for translating messages (boot floppies, dselect) and possibly
 > some language selection at boot time.

I never heard of language selection at boot-time.  All I know for
language selection is using the LANG and/or LC_* variables.

 >  This could be a little more
 > complicated for us than for people in Western Europe, because our
 > languages belong to ISO Latin 2 encoding, which raises some problems not
 > known for Latin 1 languages (fonts, etc.).

I added some support to kbd to choose one's font on boot. You may have
a look at /etc/kbd/config.

But surely, "unicode mappings" (what I call "screen-font maps" in
console-tools) and locales should be handled together.  I've thought
about that, but can't come to a solution with the way all that is done
now.  In short, the console driver should be aware of the locale
changes to switch "unicode mappings" accordingly, and feel problems
about that.

Yann Dirson  <ydirson@a2points.com>      | Stop making M$-Bill richer & richer,
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