Ian Jackson in Prague

Petr Cech cech@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:37:59 +0200

On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 05:52:56PM +0100 , Ian Jackson wrote:
> My employers are sending my to Eurocrypt (2nd to 6th May) in Prague.
> I may have a limited amount of time to meet up with some Debian, Linux
> or GNU people.

> Could anyone who is (likely to be) in Prague on or around the 2nd to
> the 6th of May and would be interested in a chat/boozeup/whatever mail
> me at the address above, ASAP, please.
Yes. Yes. and Yes. :))
I study in Prague and I'm debian maintainer. And I think several other people
would like o meet with you.

We have here every thursday evening (17:20) at the faculty a Linux seminar,
so we could do the meeting there.

Looking forward to meeting you
				Petr Cech
P.S. have to practice spoken english
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