slink images

Jiri Vesely
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 08:30:00 +0100

On 9 Mar 1999, Petr Cech wrote:

> Jiri Vesely napsal:
> > Vzhledem k datu souboru (6.3. 8:42) v adresari 2.1_r0 bych byl pesimistou.
> > Navic tam pisou, ze image budou behem nekolika dnu.
> Kde? A na tom, ze nejsou z pondelka bych se vubec nepozastavoval. Ono je vse
> udelano v predstihu. A navic je tam zajimava poznamka
> "If there is a directory called 2.1_r0, then it contains the Debian 2.1
> official CD set" a ten adresar tam opravdu je.
> 				Petr Cech : (zde pouze cast - je to
oznameni slinku z 9.3.)

CD Images have gone final, and should be making their way to distributors
shortly - we have a list of debian vendors here.Up to date raw images will
be available in a few days from the SunSITE UK FTP site, which is also
rsync accessible at 

					Jiri Vesely
					Stavebni fakulta CVUT Praha