Navrh vseobecneho lokalizatoru pre Linux

Stanislav Meduna
Sat, 15 May 1999 15:19:46 +0200 (CEST)


> > Bug report uz je na ceste...
> sem s nim! poslem ho Brandenovi do Debianu

Uz mi odpovedal clovek z XFree, ze dakuje a
v dalsej release to bude opravene. Keby
tak promptne reagovali aj na klavesnice ... :-)

Bugfix je jasny - ten exit ma byt o riadok
vyssie. Opravovat to v jednej distribucii
nema valny zmysel - aj tak nebudes moct
urobit vseobecny balik, ktory na tejto feature
zavisi, kym to nebude opravene na vsetkych

Ak to chces niekomu poslat, ide o subor xkbcomp.c,
riadok cca 300. Patch oproti distribucii nemam,
stahoval som si len rozbaleny xkbcomp, lebo ma
zaujimalo par veci.

Cela maila poslana Erikovi Fortuneovi
s Cc: na

=== snip ===
I am not sure whether you are the right person to
bother with XKB problems, but you helped me
two years ago and you are listed as author of
the xkbcomp :-)

I think I have found a problem in xkbcomp.
The manual states that

  -Idir   Specifies top-level directories to be searched for
          files included by the keymap description.

But in the code (xkbcomp.c, line 300) there is following
        else if ((strncmp(argv[i],"-I",2)==0)&&(!xkblist)) {
            if (!XkbAddDirectoryToPath(&argv[i][2])) {

The problem is obvious - the exit(1) was apparently
meant to be placed one line above.
=== snip ===
