Can I create an icon on Win98 Desktop to boot directly into Debian

System V
3 Jul 2000 13:39:49 GMT

#include <std/disclaimer.h>

>With my current debian setup, I have to reboot in MS-DOS mode and load
>linux by way of a linux boot disk.
>1.  Can I create a shortcut on Win98 desktop to boot into Debian?
Jep, you can boot a kernel using loadlin.
loadlin [kernel_name] root=/dev/[root_partitiion]

>2.  Can I create some kind of shortcut to boot into Win98 through
EHm... you can reboot?

>3.  Is it possible to have both operating systems running at the same
>time, and i can switch back and forth between them?  
Jep, you will have to buy vmware (and you need a fast machine)
then you can use vmware to boot a virual computer. Which can run

>4.  Or will I always have to reboot to move from one to the other?
See 3.

>All suggestions and information greatly appreciated.  Thank you for
>your time.
No Thanx, 
