Wed, 09 May 2001 05:04:35 GMT

Moderators: Please do not delete this until you've read it.

We've had 6 web pages, but Yahoo/GeoCities and our ISP kept taking them 
down as fast as we put them up.

We tried a direct mail thing, but all it did was cost us money and get
us tons of nasty e-mail about being spammers.

We've gone to all the people who are supposed to help with the sort of
problem we have, and all we get is nothing.

So we're going to try the net again. We have a problem and we need help.
It's our dad, and no he doesn't beat us or anything like that, he's a 
great dad! BUT he's got a health problem that has pretty much wiped him
out physically, emotionally and money wise.

We want to have our dad around, all the time! But if we can't get 
someone to help him soon, he might end up having to live in a home for
sick people or with one of our aunts. 

So what we're asking is for some help with the bills. If we can get his
bills paid down, he can continue to live by himself and we can stay
with him. The way we look at it is if 50000 people each give a buck, 
that would cover the bills. Heck if 100000 people each gave 50 cents, or
200000 people each gave a quarter or even 500000 people gave 10 cents
each, well the problem would be solved.

So all we're asking is that people willing to give a little to help us
please do it. If we can get even half of what we ask for it will help
our dad a lot. Please consider this. Please.

Tony, Kayla and Drew

Oh, just mail it to
TandKandD Heling Dad
1160 Morse Avenue
Titusville, FL 32796

You can email us at
The Kids