Pøekladatelské dotazy

David Rohleder davro@ics.muni.cz
20 Apr 1999 21:14:56 +0200

M=E1m tu p=E1r p=F8ekladatelsk=FDch dotaz=F9:

u font=F9:

load, hint and render individual glyphs efficiently. =

stub file

recovery logging - =BEurn=E1lov=E1n=ED?

log based failure recovery - zotaven=ED z v=FDpadku pomoc=ED =BEurn=E1lu

p=F8eklada=E8 Gambit-C Scheme
n=ECkter=E1 roz=B9=ED=F8en=ED standardu:
- object finalization    =

- string ports
- pretty printing
- keyword objects   ... objekty kl=ED=E8ov=FDch slov?

a trochu kreativity pro p=F8eklad:
Detective Lester Boggs, your nemesis in the force.

Package: gwave
Description: a waveform viewer eg for spice simulators
 gwave - a viewer for the output of spice-like simulators
 and other viewing of analog data.

-- =

David Rohleder						davro@ics.muni.cz
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University
Brno, Czech Republic