Bugs fixed in xfree86-1

Miroslav Vasko mvasko@isternet.sk
Fri, 14 May 1999 20:44:37 +0000


> > please, undo change #012 - the new nice patch is on the way.
> Are you saying that without the patch I applied is even worse for
> Czech and Slovak users than not having it at all?  If so, I will back out
> the patch, otherwise I'd rather leave it in place.

I think, that plain is _much_ better than with patch
#012. Believe me, that patch is ugly.

It's possible, that the only right patch against to get
czech/slovak working will be file 'czsk' - czech/slovak keyboards :)

But I have to try it - and I don't have Slink with right now.

> client here or there.  As far as I know, stuff like XKB generally
> originates with the Open Group.

I have informations from Stano Meduna, the man in charge for
czech/slovak patches/keyboards in RedHat, that in RedHat needs
only plain keyboards, nothing else.

> I'll leave it in.  If it makes things worse, I'll take it out.  Either way

if you plan to release new version within 3 weeks, take that patch out.
if not, wait for the new patch and replace that old, ok?

Thanks, Miro.

  .~.     Miroslav Vasko
  /V\     vasko@debian.cz, vasko@debian.sk
 // \\    
/(   )\   Debian GNU/Linux SK
 ^^-^^    http://www.debian.cz/slovak/