Prekladatelske dotazy

David Rohleder
20 May 1999 22:29:07 +0200

Trochu pro radioamatery:

 An additional article, 'More on Parabolic Dish Antennas,' in the
 December 1995 issue of QEX, gave the descriptions for Offset
 dishes, Penny feeds, and the use of sun noise to measure antenna
 performance and receiver noise figure.

 Dal=B9=ED =E8l=E1nek, 'More on Parabolic Dish Antennas,' v =E8asopise QE=
X z
 prosince 1995, popisuje ********************** a pou=BEit=ED slune=E8n=ED=
 =B9umu pro m=EC=F8en=ED v=FDkonu ant=E9ny a *************.

typ anteny: horn

It also does the calculations involved in setting up an antenna range
for antenna gain measurement. =

Prov=E1d=ED tak=E9 v=FDpo=E8ty *************.

Trocha pro biology:

Description: models protein or nucleic acid sequences.
 Hmmer is a suite of programs which use profile
 hidden Markov models (profile HMMs) to model
 the primary structure consensus of a family of
 protein or nucleic acid sequences.

Description: modeluje sekvence b=EDlkovin a nukleotidov=FDch kyselin.
 Hmmer je sada program=F9, kter=E9 pou=BE=EDvaj=ED **********************=
 Domovsk=E1 str=E1nka:

-- =


David Rohleder
Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University
Brno, Czech Republic