Pomôžte s prekladom

Miroslav Vasko mvasko@isternet.sk
Fri, 28 May 1999 19:22:08 +0000


m=E1m niektor=E9 prekladate=B5sk=E9 ot=E1zky:

1.) "scientific graphics" je vedeck=E1 alebo technick=E1 grafika?
2.) "scientific plotting" je vedeck=E9 kreslenie alebo technick=E9 kresle=
nie, alebo
     dokonca technick=E9 rysovanie?

3.) =E8o je "set and graph data types"?
4.) =E8o je "finite state machine" - stroj s kone=E8n=FDm po=E8tom stavov=
5.) "iterating over objects"
6.) "long running processes" - dlhodobo be=BEiace procesy alebo procesy s=
    vzdialen=FDm behom/sp=FA=B9=BBan=EDm?

7.) "arbitrary affine transforms"
8.) "convolution filters"
9.) "uniform distributions, nonuniform distributions" - nie=E8o s
matematikou a rozlo=BEeniami
10.) "primal-dual interior-point code"
11.) "phylog=E9ny" - nejak=E9 slovn=E9 tvary?
12.) An imaging system for clue. It lets people use contraints and such t=
     draw pictures
13.) "lines (linear, log)"=20

14.) "tied hashes"
15.) "serializing package"
16.) odkazy na tieto prvky, "blessed or not"
17.)   - Convert between linear prediction parameters (error filter coeff=
    predictor coefficients, cepstral coefficients, line spectral frequenc=
    reflection coefficients, autocorrelation coefficients)
  - Solve for linear prediction coefficients (covariance and autocorrelat=
  - Calculate the mean-square filtering error
  - Distance measures (Itakura-Saito and RMS log LPC)
  - Quantize a value given a table of boundaries (binary search)

18.) conjugate gradient and simulated annealing

no, d=FAfam, =BEe dostanem aspo=F2 nejak=FA pomoc,

  .~.     Miroslav Vasko
  /V\     vasko@debian.cz, vasko@debian.sk
 // \\   =20
/(   )\   Debian GNU/Linux SK
 ^^-^^    http://www.debian.cz/slovak/