3tlacitkova mys v Debianu

Milan Zamazal pdm@zamazal.org
25 Dec 2000 09:45:27 +0100

>>>>> "KT" =3d=3d Karel Tejnora <karel@tejnora.cz> p=ed=b9e:

    KT> Rozdil mezi XF86Config oproti me predchozi RH distribuci vubec
    KT> neni (nasteveni sekce pointers) .Xdefaults ve svem home
    KT> adr. nemam, kde by mohla byt zavada? Pritom na konzoly (bez X)
    KT> bezi krasne i prostredni tlacitko.

Konfigurace gpm?

Milan Zamazal

Here is my advice, don't try to program the bleeding edge for the
general populace unless you really, really, really like migraines.
						   Neal H. Walfield