Hans Ginzel Hans@kolej.mff.cuni.cz
Tue, 29 May 2001 13:20:24 +0200

> mutt neumi POP3, zkuste fetchmail. SMTP umi.

   Mutt umi pop3. Napiste do ~/.muttrc:
	# POP3 downloading
	set pop_host=pop3.nekde.cz
	set pop_user=jmeno   pop_pass=heslo
	#set pop_delete

  Specifies the password for your POP account.  If unset, Mutt will
  prompt you for your password when you open POP mailbox.  Warning: you
  should only use this option when you are on a fairly secure machine,
  because the superuser can read your muttrc even if you are the only
  one who can read the file.

A v muttu Shift-G.

Jak se nasatvi smtp? Manual neobsahuje string smtp.
Mutt 1.3.15i (2001-02-12)

					Hans Ginzel
Algorithms in Africa